On a camel with a balding hump
Rode the leader with his old bike pump

He conducted the artillery
Who shot a volley for pro$perity
From under his three <point ^ hat>
All the elephants wore leidenhosen

Everybody wore the best of clothes

There was a banner flying overhead
For those who strained a neck it clearly read..

The Ultimate Military Parade!

There were widows dressed in bridal gowns
The babies all were in the infant tree
With brooms and shovels for the cavalry
Who rode side-saddle for their modest And drank from cups marked "fine laced tea".

Napalm cocktails for the honoured guests
Who wore best plates on their chests

The tanks clanked by with cannons in tow
Followed by reconnaissance who knew the road __/^<>---+/\\/^ ...."

For The Ultimate Military Parade!

There were Gurkahs from the regiment
With bright read books the Chinese sent

The Israelis brought a fleet of girls
Serving yummy kippers >->>>>>>>=>
as they schlooocked the world

By **starring** a blue A-bomb


Mp3 music for The Ultimate Military Parade (6.8 Meg)
Next - So what did you do for the revolution today?

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